Moving registration to the cloud – Case study: Register of Judgments and Register of Inhibitions

In 2019, Registers of Scotland (RoS) set out a transformative strategy outlining why cloud could support our corporate vision of becoming a ‘digital registration and information business, trusted for its integrity’. In this blog – which is the third in a short series about our cloud journey – Product Managers Cheryl Hunter and Nicole Clark talk about how this has worked in practice for some … Continue reading Moving registration to the cloud – Case study: Register of Judgments and Register of Inhibitions

Moving to the cloud: five lessons learned

In 2019, Registers of Scotland (RoS) set out a transformative strategy outlining why registration should be moved to the cloud. In this blog – which is the second in a short series about our cloud journey – our Head of IT Service Paul Christie sets out lessons learned so far. Moving to the cloud is a significant undertaking for any business and one which has … Continue reading Moving to the cloud: five lessons learned

Why we are moving registration to the cloud

In 2019, Registers of Scotland (RoS) set out a transformative strategy outlining why cloud could support our corporate vision of becoming a ‘digital registration and information business, trusted for its integrity’. In this blog – which is the first in a short series about our cloud journey – our Head of IT Service Paul Christie sets out why we decided to move to the cloud … Continue reading Why we are moving registration to the cloud